Not a whole lot has happened since my last post, but my daily routine has changed. Overall, there's less Sportscenter and re-reading of the literary classics I thumbed through in high school. Why you ask? Well I got a job at Empire Wine & Spirits in Kingston.
An impossibly small logo. The best Google images could do.
I applied on a whim when I grabbed myself a 6-pack of 250th anniversary stout in recognition of Arthur Guinness Day. It turned out that they needed someone temporarily as one of the managers just had a baby girl named Isabel Sophia. Yeah I know, awww.
In addition to the knowledge I'm picking up about wine & spirits, an increasing disdain for the thievery of the MA state lotto, and the character show that collectively, the regulars put on, I get a 10% discount. Boosh. Main downside, I don't have a car, so I have to bike the 3 miles through the treacherous traffic of 53 and 3A made more unpleasant by inclimate weather. It's gettin' cold out there...
A few weeks ago, I sent all my documents to Winnie and Wonnie to begin the visa process (including my original diploma - just a piece of paper, right? Yeesh). They responded soon after with a confirmation number. Last week, I had my visa appointment and interview and today I finally picked it up.
The other day, I got my flight details. Looks like I'll be shipping out the Saturday after Thanksgiving, and I'm grateful for that. I have the opportunity for one last hurrah with the folks and family. Gobble gobble.